Abstract:The quality identification of carpets is a professional knowledge. Although thesimple "look, smell,ask and touch" way can find surface problems, theactual quality problems need to be tested by relevant authorities.
In the case of handmade wool and silk carpets, rawmaterials, specifications, routes, and process quality will directly effectconsumer interests. The authenticity of pure wool or silk carpets, not onlydepends on whether the content of material is 100% wool and silk, but also onwhether the dimensions and pile density of carpets are true to theiridentifications; as the pile density directly determines the durability of thecarpet. Process quality is another important factor in determining the value ofhandmade carpets, including color harmony, cut cleanness, and sufficientbrightness. Poor cutting will affect the continuity of the carpet pattern. Thelack of brightness means the manufacturer has not mastered chemical treatmentprocess - used in later stage of carpet weaving - well. These problems willdirectly affect the art value and value preservation of handmade pure wool andpure silk carpets.
Machine woven carpet inspection includes following items:
The pile pull-out force, carpets withunfavorable pile pull-out force are prone to pile loss, and it will affect theservice life of the carpet.
Dynamic load, carpets failed in the dynamicload inspection means they have poor ability to return to its original state afterbeen pressured, so these carpets usually have bad elasticity.
The pile pull-out force, carpets with unfavorable pilepull-out force are prone to pile loss, and it will affect the service life ofthe carpet.
Dynamic load, carpets failed in the dynamicload inspection means they have poor ability to return to its original stateafter been pressured, so these carpets usually have bad elasticity.
Peeling strength, this indicator mainlyrefers to the backing of the carpet. Carpets with less peeling strength haveweaker backing, and prone to chipping.
Color fastness, carpets with poor colorfastness are prone to color loss.
The pile pull-out force, carpets withunfavorable pile pull-out force are prone to pile loss, and it will affect theservice life of the carpet.
Dynamic load, carpets failed in the dynamicload inspection means they have poor ability to return to its original stateafter been pressured, so these carpets usually have bad elasticity.
Peeling strength, this indicator mainlyrefers to the backing of the carpet. Carpets with less peeling strength haveweaker backing, and prone to chipping.
Color fastness, carpets with poor colorfastness are prone to color loss.